Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)

Faculty Profile

Faculty Name of Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Area of Specilization
Dr.Vinish Kumar Professor B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D 23+ Years Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Computer Organization and Architecture
Mr.Virat Raj Saxena Asst. Professor B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D* 18+ Year Software Engineering, Requirement Engineering, Fuzzy logic
Mr.Neeraj Kumar Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D* 18+ Year Computer Networking, Algorithm Analysis & design, Network Security
Mr.Vikas Gupta Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech 16+ Year Machine Learning, Web & Clusttering
Ms.Mahima Gupta Asst. Professor MCA, M.Tech, Ph.D* 15+ Year Data Structure, Artifical Intelligence
Ms. Shalu Tyagi Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech 4+ Year Criptography & Network Security, Cyber Security
Ms. Arundhati Walia Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D* 23+ Year Machine Learning, Data Science/Semantic Web
Responsive image Dr. Neelima Agrawal Assoc. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D 1+ Years Wireless Communcation, Energy Harvesting, NOMA
Responsive image Mr. H S Tomer Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech 15+ Year Operating System, Web Designing
Responsive image Ms. Leena Gupta Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech 11+ Years OOPS, Web Tech
Responsive image Ms. Asra Mufti Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech 10 Years AI & ML
Responsive image Ms. Kajal Saluja Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech 3 Years AI & ML, Data Analysing
Responsive image Ms. Gunjan Asst. Professor B.Tech, M.Tech Fresher Python, AIML